Early Spring (1956 film)

Early Spring , Sshun? is a 1956 film by Yasujir Ozu about a married salaryman Ry Ikebe who escapes the monotony of married life and his work at a fire brick manufacturing company by beginning an affair with a fellow office worker Keiko Kishi. The film also deals with the hardships of the salaryman lifestyle. I wanted, Ozu said, to portray what you might call the pathos of the whitecollar life.

Office worker Shoji Sugiyama Ry Ikebe wakes and goes about his morning routine, attended by his wife, Masako Chikage Awashima, before commuting to his job in the Tokyo office of a fire brick manufacturing company.During a hiking trip with office friends, Shoji spends time alone with a fellow worker, a typist nicknamed Goldfish for her large eyes Keiko Kishi. After the trip Goldfish makes advances to Shoji and the two begin an affair. Masako suspects something is amiss but is reluctant to confront her husband. After Shoji fails to mark the anniversary of their sons death, he and Masako become progressively estranged. ........

Source: Wikipedia